4 Killed as Suicide Car Bomb Explodes near Somali Parliament

By Jul5,2014 #bomb #Somali #Suicide Car Bomb

Four people are dead and many wounded after a suicide car bomb exploded near Somalia’s parliament.

The bomb reportedly exploded near the main gate of the parliament building immediately after security guards shot at the bomber, according to BBC.

Al-Shabab militants are said to have praised the bombing, calling it a “sacrificial attack.”

Ever since the group lost control of Mogadishu in 2011, they have carried out multiple bombings in the country.

The sect, which is linked to Al Qaeda, is reputed to advocate the stringent Saudi-inspired Wahabbi version of Islam.

According to reports, their mission is to create an Islamic state in Somalia.

Photo Credit: AP/BBC

Somalia Suicide Bomb Bella Naija


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