Do you share your computer with family or friends? and you don’t feel comfortable when they are using it. Well this is a solution to that and all may just need to do is install at least three (3) types of browser including google chrome, because we will teach you to prevent your privacy activities on your google chrome browser.


This tutorial is one of the simplest way and reliable to lock your Google chrome browser with password. read the steps carefully below,


Creating password for google chrome browser using account account is simple and easy to do;

– You need to Open the Google chrome browser and you will type the following in the address bar (Url field) Chrome://flags/#enable-new-profile-management and you will press your ENTER on keyboard.

– Then you will see a drop down button under the address bar, you will see it showing default, click on the default and select Enabled.

Note: After typing in the address bar and you did not see enable or you can not find it, you can Press your Ctrl + F key on keyboard if you are using Windows Computer and if your computer is MAC just use Command + F so you can search for “Enable new profile management system“. If you use the key command and it does not work then you need to upgrade/Update your google chrome browser to the newest/latest version.

– Immediately you have enable the New Profile Management system, You will see a button showing Relaunch Now at the bottom of the page, then click on it so it can re-open your chrome browser or you can quit it yourself by closing the browser and launch it again so it can save the changes made.

– When it Chrome Browser launch back, you will see new profile icon showing at corner top of the browser.

– Click on the profile icon and it will show a drop down menu, you can sign in your google account to login if you already have an account and if you don’t have one, you can sign up new account. As soon as you sign in your account, at top of the browser you will your account name showing.

Note: All activities that you are doing when you sign in an account will be save and immediately you sign out the account, you will not see it again until you sign in the account back. And you can also use the browser as guest also.



– When you have sign in your google account, you will be able to lock the browser by click on the profile icon at top of the browser and lock on the drop down box to click on Lock.

– Make sure you save all activities you are doing on the browser before locking it because it will replaced every tab with small window where you will insert password.

– Also make sure you lock the browser when you are done using it before you close it, because no auto lock if you just close it without locking it.



For you to block unauthorized users from using the browser you will need to follow below steps, because other people can use it the browser as guest after you lock it.

– You need to click on Chrome Preference Menu and then click on settings (You can also type the following in the address bar chrome://settings/#sync-users-section)

– You have to uncheck/unmark the boxes “Enable Guest Browsing” and you will need to “Enable User creation from the profile Manager“. You will see this under “People” section.

– Now close the browser and launch it back, now you have successfully set up fully lock process and you will be only one to access the browser.


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